3 essential sales and marketing funnels to sell any product or service online

If your new business is struggling to get off the ground, or your sales are stagnant, you need to read this article. I’ll be discussing three essential sales and marketing funnels that you can use to sell any product or service online.

I’m not going to sugarcoat it; managing a successful online business lead and sales acquisition strategy is hard. 

You need to get people’s attention, and you need them to take action. If they don’t do either of those things, then your business will die on the vine.

What is a marketing funnel?

A sales funnel is the process of moving potential customers through your marketing and sales system, from awareness to purchase. It’s a way to get people who are interested in your product or service into the buying cycle and increase your cart values.

The internet has changed the way we do things. When you have a product or service to sell, it’s not just about reaching local customers anymore. In fact, most people are now turning to the internet for their shopping needs, and what better way to reach them than through an online funnel?

One of these three funnels may be just what you need.

Three essential funnels you need to try

1. Lead Magnet Funnel

A lead magnet is a valuable resource that you give away for free to attract leads. In other words, it’s something of value that people can take right now in exchange for their contact information.

You can’t just keep posting the same old content and hoping that it will magically attract new people who want what you have. That’s not going to work forever.

Here are some examples of popular lead magnets:

  • Free E-Book
  • Report or Whitepaper
  • Cheatsheets
  • Checklists
  • Free Webinar
  • Discount Coupon Code
  • An e-course on how to do something
  • Case Study

Lead magnets are a great way to generate leads for your business while also educating those potential customers about what your company does. This is a win-win situation – they get something of value from you, and in exchange, they give their contact information so that you can continue the conversation with them down the line!

Below is an example of a #leadmagnet funnel with a free report:

Lead Magnet Free Report Example

2. Survey Funnel

A survey funnel is a conversation guide intended to collect information from your prospects. It’s typically used if you have multiple products or services catered to different audiences and customer situations.

The answers you get from a survey funnel will help you figure out which products and services are best for your target audience. You’ll be able to create better content, make more informed decisions about marketing strategies, present relevant offers to your target audience, and improve customer experience with each interaction.

Below is an example of a #surveyfunnel

Survery Funnel Example

3. Tripwire Funnel (For Physical Products)

The tripwire sales funnel is a cleverly designed, psychologically proven method for selling physical products one page at a time. And the best part? It works! This funnel has been tested by some of the most successful companies in the world, including Amazon.com and Apple Inc., so you know it’s going to work for you too.

First, the prospect goes to a specific sales page where they enter their shipping and account information. The trick here is making your initial product a no-brainer offer that’s tailored for your target market.

Once the user enters their information and clicks the buy button, they will go to an OTO page. This is typically called a One-Time Offer or “OTO” for short. Here you offer them something related at a discounted price that is too good to resist!

A tripwire funnel enables you to up-sell and cross-sell your products. Think of it like McDonald’s asking if you want to upsize your order after you’ve already decided to purchase your meal.

Use a tripwire funnel if you want to increase your cart values without risking your customer backing out of their initial purchase.

Below is an example of a simple #tripwirefunnel

Tripwire Funnel Example

Note: Tripwire funnels are also suitable to sell information products and services – in this case, I would recommend mixing in multiple up-sell and down-sell options.

Why you need to use funnels

In conclusion, sales and marketing funnels are vital if you want your business to succeed in today’s competitive marketplace.

Sales funnels can help you make more money with less effort by automating your marketing and sales processes so that they happen automatically without any work on your part. They also allow you to track how many prospects convert into paying customers, which helps you improve conversion rates over time. And if you want even more control over how much effort goes into each stage of the process, there are plenty of tools out there that will let you do just that!

If you’re interested in learning how sales and marketing funnels can work for your business, you can book a free strategy session with us now.

Picture of Tim Murray
Tim Murray

Tim Murray is co-founder and lead digital strategist at GOamplify. Tim is a marketing & sales expert with 20 years experience throughout Australasia, the Middle East & Europe.


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